Jan. 11, 2018

EP13 - Contractors Benefit from Utility-based Energy Savings Programs with Joe Kuonen from CleaRESULT

EP13 - Contractors Benefit from Utility-based Energy Savings Programs with Joe Kuonen from CleaRESULT

Joe has worked for for CLEAResult (www.CLEAResult.com ) for over 10 years. His company is a fast growing, highly focused implementer of utility-based energy savings programs. Joe discusses the ins and outs of building an energy savings program for a...

Joe has worked for for CLEAResult (www.CLEAResult.com ) for over 10 years. His company is a fast growing, highly focused implementer of utility-based energy savings programs. Joe discusses the ins and outs of building an energy savings program for a utility, especially those aspects that involve HVAC and building performance contractors. Joe mentions the Home Performance Coalition’s conferences as a great place to learn and network (www.homeperformance.org/conferences/). He also discusses inspirational training he received from John Tooley (www.linkedin.com/in/john-tooley-37a89210/ ) and the Florida Solar Energy Center (www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/). Joe also notes the related aspects of the RESNET organization and conference (www.RESNET.us). And here’s a link to a photo of the tree house that Joe built around a centuries old tree in his yard : www.bit.ly/Joe-TreeHouse

Here is a link to more photos from his TreeHouse project: