Dec. 9, 2022

EP102 The Smart Buildings Academy with Phil Zito (Dec 2022)

EP102 The Smart Buildings Academy with Phil Zito (Dec 2022)

Listen in as Phil Zito describes the journey he has taken from being bored, to blogging to building a business that provides top notch online training and workforce development programs.    Formerly known as Building Automation Monthly, a...

Listen in as Phil Zito describes the journey he has taken from being bored, to blogging to building a business that provides top notch online training and workforce development programs. 


Formerly known as Building Automation Monthly, a newsletter and podcast in its early years, The Smart Buildings Academy has experienced rapid growth.


As the SBA says on their website: “If you’ve been looking for a way to take yourself or your building automation team to the next level. Then you’re in the right place. One of SBA’s guiding principles is to “Focus on the customer’s profit”.

Phil understands from personal experience the importance of focusing on training that not only develops BAS knowledge but also teaches how to “do” building automation in a way that is profitable and efficient. 

If you are a BAS professional looking to grow your skills or looking to enter the BAS field, you owe it to yourself to check out the SBA.


Phil’s LinkedIn profile:


Smart Buildings Academy:


Facebook page

LinkedIn group:


Oh, Phil also interviewed ME on his podcast recently:

This episode was recorded in December 2022.